Workshop: Introduction to modern C++

Do your engineers need to become familiar with modern C++? Or maybe they already use this language, but would like to expand their skills and knowledge? We will help you by providing 3-5-day workshops with a scope tailored to your needs.
Target audience
Programmers having experience in other languages like C, C#, Java and other
Number of participants
up to 10
3 – 5 workshop days (7 hours per day) depending on scope and number of participants
We are aware that every project is different, so we adjust the scope per client. For instance there is no reason to speak about modern C++ muti-threading if your product is single threaded application. That is why we offer adjusting scope to your needs. You can peak topics from this list or even propose yours!
- C++ overview
- What C++ is?
- Compilation process
- Types in C++
- Basic C++ statements
- C++ syntax
- Functions
- Namespaces
- Classes and structures
- Brace initialization
- Pointers and references
- Casting and convertions
- Lambdas
- Function and operators overloading
- Managing memory
- Memory types
- Copying
- Move semantic
- Raw pointers
- Smart pointers
- Custom allocators
- Object Oriented Programming
- SOLID rules
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- C++ patterns and mechanics
- Rule of 5 & Rule of 0
- Dependency injection
- Exceptions & noexcept
- Templates
- Templates idea
- Specializations
- Introduction to meta programming
- Introduction to STL
- Containers & Iterators
- Algorithms
- Multi-threading tools
- Performance overview
- Object Oriented Programming vs Data Oriented Programming
- Dynamic vs Static polymorphism
- Introduction to testing
- Google Test
- Catch2
- Best testing practices
- Your own topics
Price depends on workshop scope you choose. We offer trainings in two options:
- Remote: about 2100 – 3900 € net
- Live training: depends on workshop location

Sławomir Grabowski
Experience: Software Engineer & Trainer experienced mostly in building embedded applications as well as 2D and 3D games. Skilled in programming modern User Interfaces, but feels comfortable in writing end-to-end functionalities.
C++ evangelist conducting training and workshops about modern C++ and Test Driven Development. One of the authors of a Quick Turn Studio’s blog. Succeed as UI Developer in projects for Set-Up-Boxes, premium cars and ships, also as UI & Game Core Developer in commercial game project Little Vikings.
After work: implementing own turn-based strategy video game, moderator and player of the social deduction game “Mafia”, president of the housing community, Heroes III and League of Legends player.
Motto: Not modesty, but the humility.
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